Friday, 23 August 2013

Final preparations for Genco Mongolia Bike Challenge!

This time next week I'll be in Outer Mongolia!  The reality has suddenly sunk in of how big an adventure the Genco Mongolia Bike Challenge is going to be.  Even my family are on about spending extra time together in case I don't come back which is been a little over dramatic.  However, it did make me ring my insurer to book on hazardous activity in an odd country.  It didn't seem right to only pay an extra £18 for this but has made me think they obviously don't think its a particularly dangerous thing to do and they've heard it all so I'm sure I'll be fine!!  

While I'm in the UK I am lucky to pick up work, we have a family printing business and do a lot of summer shows and I work in a few tea rooms.  The downside to this though is that this is our busiest time and final preparations  for Mongolia is all a little rushed and a 'bit here' a 'bit there'!  The training I am not too worried about.  I ride my bike every day, I used to race on the road and do a lot of intervals but moving purely to mountain bike marathons I have found I get much more out of just getting out and off road as my technical skills are definitely my weak link!  I love cycling even more than ever and spending 20 hours a week training is a pleasure.  I have recently met a group which go out in Dalby forest and fly round all the hidden forest trails and ride a lot with a friend who was racing at the Commonwealths in XC while I was at school.  On top of that I very often meet my parents on their road bikes and our local road cycling club which all helps with a bit of speed.  We are also blessed with the North York Moors on our doorstep though  in the middle of winter with howling gales and snow I often don't feel that blessed!!  The days do look a lot longer than I have ever raced before with stages up to 175km so I'm not that sure how I'll cope with them but as long as I'm well hydrated and fuelled I'm sure I'll survive.  Many will have completed far longer and worked a 9 till 5 job.  My main worry now is getting everything ready on time.  Luckily we are now working in York, perfect for nipping out and buying some essentials.. baby wipes, paracetamol, anti nausea tablets and extra contact lens solution were on todays list.  Yesterday I purchased a 2kg camp bed in order to sleep off the floor (to avoid any dodgy bugs that might be carrying some strange diseases crawling around our tent!!). We spent a good 30 minutes convinced it was faulty so my husband took it back today to be shown how to put it together by the manager, thats what I call good service even though he was a little mortified!!  I commuted the 85km journey this morning into a head wind so that along with the same on Sunday is one of the last long ones I'll do, I've work Monday and we are working away Tuesday to so my taper is been made for me!  Tonight I'll give my bike a good clean and tomorrow drop it into the shop.  Everything was feeling fine but its as if my Rocky Mountain 29er also knows it has a big challenge ahead and today was making all sorts of groans!  There will be a mechanic over there but theres no way I want to head off into the desert with a creaking bottom bracket.  

So, the list is still long for what I have yet to do but thats fine.  I have yet to sort out my compulsory kit... we have to carry a mirror which I presume is for reflecting the light to be found as apposed to been able to apply makeup mid race, and I have to find a descent bag to ride with.  I've never rode with one so this morning did but I think I lost more sweat through my back than I drank so maybe I'll find one with a little ventilation!  I have a rear hanger sent all the way from South Africa, a Go Pro helmet strap from Japan and I have most of the tools I need.  I have no idea how to use half of them but am hoping I can play the 'I'm a girl' card and get a little help should I brake down mid way!   I'm not sure what food on top of my race food if any I'll take.  Couscous is always a good idea as is cereal but what with my new camp bed and thermal layers I plan to take to survive minus temperature nights I think my couscous will have to stay at home!   

Hopefully my next up date will be while I'm out there, I'm not sure if my UK phone is going to work in outer Mongolia or if they've ever heard of the Internet but I'll try hard to keep you up to date with my progress and stories along the way.  

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